Saangyaht faailohk!!!
Secret Paradise
?2:08 am
Today went to lot one to work at watch shop
working with Serene whole day
We played card game.. long time didn't touch on it, alomost forget how to play..
is so fun to play that games.. hahaha..
serene lose lots of round and the punishment is draw hand.. HAHAHA..

*i draw her hand*
*she draw my hand*

While working i saw a name card on the desk!!
is 3monkey cafe!!! wanted to go and is quite interesting.. i think..
Secret Paradise
?12:37 am
Yesterday after work meet Ah Von at Far East plaza
we went to buy ah ma birthday present
although ah von not feeling well but she still accompany me
*ah von take care yourself ah!!!
after brought the present we went home
Secret Paradise
?11:23 pm
today woke up around afternoon but still very tired and sleepy
play awhile internet and eat my lunch
went to work at IMM
reached quite early but does have the mood to talk to my friends
just feel sleepy and tired.. maybe mood swing, so lazy to talk..
and some stupid future mindset appear to me
really hope can hop hop to overseas to enjoy myself or disappear
Freaking person idiot mindset!!! really shame on you!!! what a stupid Singaporean!!
Secret Paradise
?11:30 pm
Today meet Joreen which my so call "Lao po" at Far East Plaza 11.30am
when we reach there we hunt for food because we skip our breakfast
so we decided to eat chicken rice.
Shop around far east wanna to buy a handbag but end up i brought a tank top
lao po brought 3 tank top 3 belts and this two coin pouch *cute*

After that went to eat ice cream although both color same but flavor are different
but.. i forget what our flavor are.. opps..

We went to orchard central the new building
explore around and photo taken at the toilet
*black color shirt should make a person look slim but it make us look fat*

wanna to drink and find a place to sit
so we went to TCC which near plaza sing
sat there girl talk again..
talk about future and it totally suck..

Chat until almost night den went home..
tomorrow still need to work..
Secret Paradise
?9:53 pm
Finally back for blog..
stop about two month..
Today meeting my best girlfriend ah von for dinner and girl talk too
long time didn't meet her out
talk about work, outing, friends and we miss our old friend too
can't go back to last time life anymore so we must treasure what we have now
I WANT A NEW HAND PHONE!!! fall in love in this phone ♥
Secret Paradise
?11:29 pm